Site Guidelines

These are the official posting guidelines for Rate Chuo   website. The Site is owned, operated and/or provided by Rightson Tole

Rate Chuo is an online destination for students to research and rate lectures, colleges, and universities across the Kenya. Our mission is to provide a safe forum to share classroom experiences to help fellow students make critical education choices. We also aim to help students and parents make informed decisions before choosing


The Rate Chuo website provide user generated feedback on lectures' teaching methods and their respective courses as well as user generated feedback on the lifestyle and facilities of college and university campuses.

Lecture ratings should only be posted by users who have taken a class from the lecture or who are currently taking a class with the lecture. Campus ratings should only be posted by students who have attended or are currently attending the specific course, college or university being rated.


Rate Chuo has a team of moderators who read every rating submitted. We have defined site guidelines to help reinforce our mission and most importantly to ensure our decisions around moderation are 100% consistent, regardless of student or lecture. Our moderators are experts on our guidelines and will remove any comment that doesn’t comply.

Did we miss something? If you feel an inappropriate comment should be removed from the site, we want to know. You can flag a comment for re-review and it will immediately be escalated to our moderators. Moderators will determine whether to remove the rating permanently or restore it to the website. Our moderators will never edit a rating to make it comply or remove a rating simply because it is a low score or negative review.

GUIDELINES: Student Guidelines:

  • Be honest in your reviews. You want to be able to trust these reviews when evaluating your course options so we ask that to contribute in the same spirit.

  • When you are reviewing a class and/or lecture, it’s often helpful to provide both pros and cons. This leads to much more credible and constructive feedback for your peers.

  • Reviews should focus specifically on the course and your learning experience. Do not comment on a lecture’s appearance, dress, age, gender or race.

  • Avoid hearsay. We want you to share your individual experience and what you took away from the course. Don’t speak on behalf of another, encourage others to submit their own reviews.

  • This is not a forum for debate. Reviews that specifically reference another review will be removed. If you do not agree with someone’s individual experience, we encourage you to share your own.

  • We understand that not all teachers are the perfect match for each individual learning style. Tell us how the course or lecture wasn’t the best for you in a way that helps others make their own decision.

  • Reviews fueled by anger do not reflect well on the author and can be removed for violations such as profanity. Take a minute to step back and make sure your review will genuinely help others understand your experience.

  • Rate Chuo reserves the right to remove ratings that do not contain substantive comments.

  • We only allow one student to review a lecture one time per course. Spamming or dogpiling an account will lead to comment removal and the account being temporarily locked on the site.

  • When reading your fellow students reviews, we encourage you to use your discretion and weigh every review amongst the others. Online reviews should be one of the many resources used when making a decision that affects your academic future.

Prohibited Content: 

Comments that contain the following will be removed:

  • Profanity, name-calling, and/or vulgarity, derogatory remarks about religion, ethnicity or race, gender, physical appearance, age, mental and/or physical disabilities;

  • Identifiable information about a lecture or student that would allow someone to contact the lecture/student outside of their school;

  • References to a lecture's or student’s family, personal life and/or sex life, including sexual innuendos;

  • Claims about a lecture's employment status, including previous employment;

  • Claims that a lecture or student engages or has engaged in illegal activities;

  • Direct references to other existing comments or comments that have been deleted by our moderators;

  • Accusations that the lecture is rating him/herself or his/her colleagues;

  • A language other than English. Comments must be written in English only.

  • Hyperlinks and / or URLs.

Lecture Guidelines:

  • This is an anonymous website where students can share their classroom experiences. We are unable to provide any data or personal information about the submitter of a review.

  • We do not proactively add any lecture, course or campus to our website, every profile was submitted by our student community.

  • We are unable to remove a comment simply because it is negative. It will only be removed if it doesn’t comply with our site guidelines.

  • If you believe that your profile is being spammed or dogpiled, please tell us. You can contact us at We’re here to help and will happily review the comments in question.

  • While it is against our guidelines for a lecture to rate themselves, we recommend for lectures to encourage their students to provide ratings each semester. The more reviews you have, the more representative they will be.

  • Lecture replies are subject to the same limitations regarding Prohibited Content, as set forth above.


If you see a rating that you believe violates these Site Guidelines, please click the "report this rating" at the bottom of the comment and state the problem. Such comments will be evaluated by the Site's personnel. Please do not flag a rating just because you disagree with it.


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